The Official Blog of The Fence Authority

Delaware Fence Requirements

Before you install a fence, no matter where you live, you should check to see if there are any requirements that the state or your neighborhood has implemented. Fence requirements in Delaware tend to vary from city to city. It can be a bit of a complicated process, but here is a simplified version of what you should know before you install a fence on your property in Delaware!

chestnut Haven

Some things that you need to do before installing a fence in Delaware are not specific to the state. Some of these things you will want to do just because you own a home and should have these things checked out:

  • Research zoning codes – your municipality will have this information
  • Locate property lines – you may need to have a survey done
  • Obtain the proper permits when necessary
  • Check with your HOA for rules and regulations

Be sure that you check out your local zoning laws. Individual neighborhoods may have their own laws, but the laws below are generally correct for the state of Delaware:

  • New Castle County: Fence needs to be 4 or 4.5 feet to be considered legal. Residential fences may not exceed 6 feet, unless they are specifically for ball courts, which require additional permission. Deed restrictions may apply, so check your specific area to see what is needed.
  • Kent County: Fence needs to be 4 or 4.5 feet to be considered legal.
  • Sussex County: Fence needs to be 4 feet to be considered legal.

spindle fence

In some neighborhoods there are setback requirements for how far back from your property line and the road you need to place your fence, especially if your property is on a corner. In order to be sure that your fence is completely legal and appropriate, please check your individual county or neighborhood’s laws to see what the setback requirement is.

Please note that these requirements are subject to change, and you should always look for the most up-to-date information from your municipality before installing a fence on your property.

Don’t feel like dealing with all that? No worries! We can do it for you. If you’d like to, you can purchase our permit service. We will do the legwork and be sure that we have all the proper permissions and adhere to the requirements.

To order fence parts or schedule professional installation,
call 800-431-4303 or contact us online!

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